Title: Degradation of Coastal Sand Dunes in Mithmumbari and Kunkeshwar of Devgad Coasts, Maharashtra
Abstract:Sea waves are the powerful agent of seashore erosion.Once waves attacked on coasts; beaches and headlands are the landforms which faces first and finally influenced by wave energy in terms of erosion....Sea waves are the powerful agent of seashore erosion.Once waves attacked on coasts; beaches and headlands are the landforms which faces first and finally influenced by wave energy in terms of erosion.In the coastal areas; beaches, sand bars, sand spits and sand dunes are the depositional landforms which continuously interact with tidal waves.Among these, sand dunes are the coastal feature which also significantly protects the landward ecosystem and settlements by the disastrous effects of tidal waves, storms, cyclone, tsunamis etc.The present research work attempted to study the sand dunes of Mithmumbari and Kunkeshwar-the coastal areas of Devgad, Maharashtra.The study also focussed on degradation of sand dunes in the study area.Read More