Title: Swirling Students: A Study of Professional and Vocational Training Avenues for the Library and Information Industry
Abstract:Australian education has been traditionally divided between the university sector and the vocational training sector. In Australia, the movement or "articulation" of students between these sectors has...Australian education has been traditionally divided between the university sector and the vocational training sector. In Australia, the movement or "articulation" of students between these sectors has interested governments and professional bodies concerned with the associated structural and workforce issues. Such articulation includes movement from vocational training into professional education, from professional education to vocational training, and what has been called a "swirling" combination of movement back and forth between the sectors. The authors have considered why students who already hold a university degree and wish to pursue a career in librarianship/information management choose to undertake a vocational sector qualification in preference to a postgraduate professional qualification in Library and Information Studies (LIS). This article will provide historical context and report the results of research undertaken to investigate the underlying motivation of these students. The methodology included a survey of current students undertaking Vocational Education and Training (VE) in LIS paraprofessional qualifications at Australian educational institutions, and an analysis of statistical data from the VE sector. The study will contribute to a broader understanding of student motivations, career choices, and understanding of the concept of lifelong learning. It may also lead to a re-evaluation of how entry into the LIS industry should be managed.Read More