Title: Anomaly Detection based on Machine Learning Dimensionality Reduction using PCA and Classification using SVM
Abstract:Anomaly detection has emerged as an important technique in many application areas mainly for network security.Anomaly detection based on machine learning algorithms considered as the classification pr...Anomaly detection has emerged as an important technique in many application areas mainly for network security.Anomaly detection based on machine learning algorithms considered as the classification problem on the network data has been presented here.Dimensionality reduction and classification algorithms are explored and evaluated using KDD99 dataset for network IDS.Principal Component Analysis for dimensionality reduction and Support Vector Machine for classification have been considered for the application on network data and the results are analysed.The result shows the decrease in execution time for the classification as we reduce the dimension of the input data and also the precision and recall parameter values of the classification algorithm shows that the SVM with PCA method is more accurate as the number of misclassification decreases.Read More