Title: View on Bay of Bengal upwelling area on the basis of 19-years of satellite sea surface temperature
Abstract:Abstract The seasonal and interannual variation of upwelling along the east coast of India between 6°N and 22°N was studied for the period 1985–2003 using NOAA–AVHRR sea surface temperature data. The ...Abstract The seasonal and interannual variation of upwelling along the east coast of India between 6°N and 22°N was studied for the period 1985–2003 using NOAA–AVHRR sea surface temperature data. The seasonal migration of pronounced upwelling, which follows the seasonal shift of the winds in transition period and northeast monsoon, was confined. The temporal mean sea surface temperature images clearly show the upwelling season, as does the seasonal sea surface temperature anomaly. These dominant features of the upwelling system are also the most variable, with most of the variance being explained by the seasonal cycle. Quasi-cyclic behaviour of sea surface temperature on interannual scales has also been observed.Read More
Title: $View on Bay of Bengal upwelling area on the basis of 19-years of satellite sea surface temperature
Abstract: Abstract The seasonal and interannual variation of upwelling along the east coast of India between 6°N and 22°N was studied for the period 1985–2003 using NOAA–AVHRR sea surface temperature data. The seasonal migration of pronounced upwelling, which follows the seasonal shift of the winds in transition period and northeast monsoon, was confined. The temporal mean sea surface temperature images clearly show the upwelling season, as does the seasonal sea surface temperature anomaly. These dominant features of the upwelling system are also the most variable, with most of the variance being explained by the seasonal cycle. Quasi-cyclic behaviour of sea surface temperature on interannual scales has also been observed.