Title: Application of Data Mining Techniques for Information Security in a Cloud: A Survey
Abstract:India is progressively moving ahead in the field of Information technology.The concept of e-commerce is already in place whereas e-governance is also on the same track.Similarly other sectors like hea...India is progressively moving ahead in the field of Information technology.The concept of e-commerce is already in place whereas e-governance is also on the same track.Similarly other sectors like health, judiciaries etc. are following the path.With the advent of information technology, malevolent people now have another option to cause damage to people by doing cyber attacks rather than physical damage, wherein the impact of cyber damage is equally devastating.As people are launching themselves into the e-world completely, the Cloud as a service is now shaping up the future.Since the cloud services are available through internet, it is the need of hour to prevent cyber attacks and at the same time trace the ill-willed persons for the sake of securing business, personal information and nation.Data Mining techniques and algorithms contribute tremendously to this task of assuring security of information on the cloud.In this paper, review of various data mining techniques and algorithms is presented which can help achieve security of information on cloud.Read More