Title: A Comparative Study on Digestive Parameters in an Indigenous Fat-tailed and a Conventional Dorper Sheep Fed on Maize Stover Crop Residue
Abstract:Animals and dietEight intact male sheep of about one year old were placed in individual metabolic cages facilitating the separate collection of urine and feces.Four indigenous fattailed Malawi sheep (...Animals and dietEight intact male sheep of about one year old were placed in individual metabolic cages facilitating the separate collection of urine and feces.Four indigenous fattailed Malawi sheep (15.8±2.1 kg) common to the sheep found in other parts of Eastern, Central and Southern African, and four conventional Dorper sheep (25±5.7 kg) which is a cross between the Dorset and a Blackhead Persian breed were subjected to five dietary treatments.Dietary treatments were: 90, 135, 180 g DM/kgBW 0.75 /d of maize stover offered with compacted urea in cups, and 180 g DM/kgBW 0.75 /d of maize stover offered with either dried bean husks or poultry manure.Chemical composition of maize stover, urea block, beanRead More