Title: On the Removal of Initial Singularity in a Big-Bang Universe in Terms of a Renormalized Theory of Gravitation. I
Abstract:The present status on the problem of initial singularity characteristic in any model-universe compatible with the cosmological interpretation of the 3°K black-body radiation is examined from the stand...The present status on the problem of initial singularity characteristic in any model-universe compatible with the cosmological interpretation of the 3°K black-body radiation is examined from the standpoints of both classical and quantum cosmologies. One of the most striking results in this problem will be Misner's result that quantum effects do not significantly modify the nature of initial singularity in relativistic cosmology, while there remains as yet some doubt as regards its universal validity. A new approach is, therefore, proposed, the essence of which lies in modifying the Einstein field equations in a physically reasonable manner on the basis of a renormalized theory of gravitation due to Utiyama and DeWitt.Read More