Title: Introducing Bayani Kermani and the Manuscripts of His Monsha’at
Abstract:Reviving the works of Persian Empire’s writers and grandees, both in terms of the newly discovered points in books and discourses and also including indications of their era’s social, political and cu...Reviving the works of Persian Empire’s writers and grandees, both in terms of the newly discovered points in books and discourses and also including indications of their era’s social, political and cultural state, is highly essential and valuable; so much so that if no efforts are made on their correction and restoration, a vast part of this extremely rich cultural heritage will be buried among the manuscripts. It is incumbent on the scientific community to take steps, however brief, in order to stimulate such precious works which in turn represent a cultural legacy.One of these works is Bayani Kermani’s Monsha’at, dated back to Iran’s Timurid and early Safavid period. Since he was a Timurid court clerk later becoming the Chancellor and has mentioned many important literary and political figures in his work, the correction of this book greatly contributes to the recognition the individuals and understanding the social culture and customs of the Timurid era.This paper briefly introduces Bayani, his works, and the remaining manuscripts of Monsha’at, hoping for it to be of some benefit.Read More