Title: The Significant Role of Multimedia in Motivating EFL Learners’ Interest in English Language Learning
Abstract:The use of multimedia in teaching and learning leads to higher learning. Multimedia refers to any computer-mediated software or interactive application that integrates text, color, graphical images, a...The use of multimedia in teaching and learning leads to higher learning. Multimedia refers to any computer-mediated software or interactive application that integrates text, color, graphical images, animation, audio sound, and full motion video in a single application. Multimedia learning systems offer a potentially venue for improving student understanding about language. Teachers try to find the most effective way to create a better foreign language teaching and learning environment through multimedia technologies. In this paper, the researcher defines multimedia, elaborates the rationale for using multimedia, identifies multimedia learning, mentions principles of multimedia, explains theoretical basis of multimedia English teaching, reviews roles of teachers and learners in multimedia environment, discusses the relationship between multimedia and learning, and states the strength of multimedia English teaching. The review of literature shows that teachers need to make full use of multimedia to create an authentic language teaching and learning environment where students can easily acquire a language naturally and effectively.Read More