Title: On the Source of Ci-Priority Ideology of Wang Guowei’s Ci-Study and Ci-Creating
Abstract:Wang Guowei was an important Ci researcher in the Ci-study field from the late Qing Dynasty to the early Minguo era who had developed the distinctive Ci-priority ideology. The Ci-priority ideology der...Wang Guowei was an important Ci researcher in the Ci-study field from the late Qing Dynasty to the early Minguo era who had developed the distinctive Ci-priority ideology. The Ci-priority ideology derived from 1) Wang Guowei’s Ci-liking which had come from his individual character based on his melancholy and suffering experiences, 2) Wang Guowei’s pure literature ideology which had surpassed fames and wealth, 3) Wang Guowei’s sticking to and rejuvenating the traditional culture because of his thought and feelings that adherents of a former dynasty should behave with honor and dignity. Wang Guowei’s Ci-priority ideology had introduce the West aesthetic theory of literature and art, and constructed the multi-angles and all-round system of Ci-study theory based on the core of prospect theory.Read More