Title: A new species and new section of Viola (Violaceae) from Guangdong, China
Abstract:Viola hybanthoides W. B. Liao et Q. Fan (Violaceae), a new species from Mount Danxia of Guangdong province in China, is described and illustrated. The most distinctive characters of Viola hybanthoides...Viola hybanthoides W. B. Liao et Q. Fan (Violaceae), a new species from Mount Danxia of Guangdong province in China, is described and illustrated. The most distinctive characters of Viola hybanthoides are the subshrub habit, the anterior petal with a long stalk-like claw (up to 3.5 mm, ca. 1/3 of the petal’s length), and the very short upper petals (only 2.5–3 mm long, less than 1/2 of the lateral petals’ length), all of which are characters shared with some Hybanthus species. These characters of this species are distinguishable from all other Viola species, which are usually herbs, and have the anterior petal without a long stalk-like claw and much longer upper petals (usually more than 8 mm long). Based on the new species, a new Viola section Danxiaviola W. B. Liao et Q. Fan is described. To distinguish Viola sections in China, an identification key is provided.Read More