Title: Hemostasis and Thrombosis. Basic Principles and Clinical Practice, Fourth Edition. Robert W. Colman, Jack Hirsh, Victor J. Marder, Alexander W. Clowes, and James N. George, eds. Philadelphia, PA: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2001, 1578 pp., $249.00, hardcover. ISBN 0-7817-1455-9.
Abstract:This latest edition of Hemostasis and Thrombosis includes new developments in basic coagulation as well as platelet physiology, vessel wall function, and antithrombotic therapy. One-half of the chapte...This latest edition of Hemostasis and Thrombosis includes new developments in basic coagulation as well as platelet physiology, vessel wall function, and antithrombotic therapy. One-half of the chapters are either new or have been extensively rewritten since the last edition. Five editors involved in hemostasis and thrombosis, oncology, vascular medicine, and vascular surgery were in charge of the organization of the book, and many expert authors have contributed to its writing. This text is intended for …Read More