Title: Evaluation of Rofenaid® and a Commercial Bacterin for Prevention of Cranial Form of Fowl Cholera in Turkeys
Abstract:Rofenaid, a potentiated sulfadimethoxine at drug concentrations of 0.04, 0.02, and 0.01% in feed, a combination of vaccination with a commercial bacterin and 0.01% potentiated sulfadimethoxine (Rofena...Rofenaid, a potentiated sulfadimethoxine at drug concentrations of 0.04, 0.02, and 0.01% in feed, a combination of vaccination with a commercial bacterin and 0.01% potentiated sulfadimethoxine (Rofenaid), and vaccination separately, significantly (P<0.05) increased livability of turkeys experimentally induced with the cranial form of fowl cholera as compared to that of the nonmedicated nonvaccinated exposed turkeys. Turkeys were exposed by the administration of Pasteurella multocida (isolate 8579) in the drinking water.Read More