Title: Advances in Economic Theory - Fifth World Congress.
Abstract:List of contributors Editor's preface 1. Auction theory Paul R. Milgrom 2. Game-theoretic analyses of trading processes Robert Wilson 3. The theory of contracts Oliver Hart and Bengt Holmstrom 4. Batt...List of contributors Editor's preface 1. Auction theory Paul R. Milgrom 2. Game-theoretic analyses of trading processes Robert Wilson 3. The theory of contracts Oliver Hart and Bengt Holmstrom 4. Battles for market share: incomplete information, aggressive strategic pricing and competitive dynamics John Roberts 5. A sequential strategic theory of bargaining Ariel Rubinstein 6. On the complexity of linear programming Nimrod Megiddo 7. Laboratory experimentation in economics Alvin E. Roth 8. Increasing returns and the theory of international trade Paul R. Krugman 9. Strategic aspects of trade policy Avinash Dixit 10. Equilibrium without an auctioneer Peter Diamond 11. Arrow-Debreu programs as microfoundations of macroeconomics Robert M. Townsend.Read More