Title: Teachers' Perceptions about the School Principals' Ethical Leadership Behaviours: A Study from Turkish Vocational High Schools
Abstract:The importance of ethical dimension of leadership is a fact accepted by everyone.In spite of this, very few empirical studies have been carried out on this issue in the field of educational administra...The importance of ethical dimension of leadership is a fact accepted by everyone.In spite of this, very few empirical studies have been carried out on this issue in the field of educational administration considering the significance of ethical values in leadership.This study was carried out to investigate vocational high school teachers' perceptions about their principals' ethical leadership behaviors.The study was conducted using the survey method and perceptions' of the teachers working at vocational and technical schools located in the center of Yozgat regarding their principals' ethical leadership behaviors were tried to be determined.According to the findings of the study the teachers agreed that the school principals often performed ethical leadership behaviours.Read More