Title: Emprego de infiltrômetros na caracterização da interação entre rio e aqüífero
Abstract:The purpose of this work is to quantify the river-aquifer interaction in a river basin through the use of infiltrometers and observation wells located on the banks.Onça Creek, a tributary of the Jacar...The purpose of this work is to quantify the river-aquifer interaction in a river basin through the use of infiltrometers and observation wells located on the banks.Onça Creek, a tributary of the Jacaré-Guaçú River in the State of São Paulo, was chosen for this study being located in the recharge area of the regional Guarani Aquifer.Infiltrometers were placed at three sections in the bed of Onça Creek.Analyzing the behavior of the river-aquifer interaction during 7 months, it is found that the average exfiltration rate is of the order of 300mm/day in the seepage area.Further, the seepage rate is found to be influenced by rainfall events, atmospheric pressure and rate of rise or fall of river stage.In view of the satisfactory experimental results obtained in this study, the use of infiltrometers for the determination of the river-aquifer interaction is recommended as a simple and sound procedure if due care is taken in their installation in the river bed.Read More