Title: A new scapigerous species of <i>Impatiens</i> (Balsaminaceae) from India
Abstract:Impatiens minae Ratheesh, Anil Kumar & Sivad. a new scapigerous species of Impatiens from Wayanad district in Kerala, India is described and illustrated. The new species resembles Impatiens deniso...Impatiens minae Ratheesh, Anil Kumar & Sivad. a new scapigerous species of Impatiens from Wayanad district in Kerala, India is described and illustrated. The new species resembles Impatiens denisonii and I. scapiflora by its 3-lobed lateral united petals and lower sepal with a long spur; but differs from the latter in having a curved band of dense fleshy clavate papillae at the base of lateral united petals, and from the former in the absence of a dorsal filiform appendage or auricle at the base of the lateral united petals.Keywords: Balsaminaceae; Impatiens minae; Western Ghats; India; Scapigerous species.DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.3329/bjpt.v18i2.9299Bangladesh J. Plant Taxon.18(2): 141-148, 2011 (December)Read More