Title: Two New Species of Larnax (Solanaceae) from Ecuador
Abstract:Two new species of Larnax (Solanaceae) are described and illustrated.Larnax andersonii is a small shrub with unequal, geminate leaves and long, bifurcate hairs.It occurs along the eastern slopes of th...Two new species of Larnax (Solanaceae) are described and illustrated.Larnax andersonii is a small shrub with unequal, geminate leaves and long, bifurcate hairs.It occurs along the eastern slopes of the Ecuadorian Andes.The flower structure of L an¬ dersonii is similar to another Ecuadorian species, L suffruticosa.Larnax psilophyta, a high-elevation spe¬ cies endemic to southern Ecuador, is a small-flow¬ ered, glabrous shrub with indurate, fleshy leaves that is often confused with Deprea glabra.Read More