Title: Adaptation of Blumeria graminis f.sp. hordei to barley resistance genes in the Czech Republic in 1971-2000
Abstract:Results of scoring the resistance of 35 selected spring barley varieties to powdery mildew, exhibiting high powdery mildew severity, in 307 variety trials of the Central Institute for Supervising and ...Results of scoring the resistance of 35 selected spring barley varieties to powdery mildew, exhibiting high powdery mildew severity, in 307 variety trials of the Central Institute for Supervising and Testing in Agriculture were analysed. The varieties can be divided into two groups: the varieties that could not induce any changes in the pathogen population (the varieties with no effective resistance gene and varieties carrying gene mlo) and the varieties possessing major resistance genes [a total of 12 Ml-genes: a1, a3, a6, a7, a9, a12, a13, at, k1, La, g and (Kr)] to which the pathogen population adapted in 1971-2000. The time slope of decreasing resistance of varieties is described. The importance of individual evolutionary forces (mutations, migration, direct selection, indirect selection and recombinations) for the erosion of efficiency of respective major resistance genes and the effects of pathogen adaptation on population complexity and diversity are discussed.Read More