Title: Revision of the Family Helotidae (Coleoptera: Cucujoidea): V. Species Group Classification of the Genus <i>Neohelota</i> Ohta and Revisions of <i>N. laevigata</i> and <i>N. helleri</i> Species Groups
Abstract:Abstract Species of the genus Neohelota are classified into six species groups, and 60 species are recognized. Taxonomy of the laevigata and helleri species groups is presented in detail. Two new spec...Abstract Species of the genus Neohelota are classified into six species groups, and 60 species are recognized. Taxonomy of the laevigata and helleri species groups is presented in detail. Two new species are described: N. viklundi sp. nov. from Myanmar and N. satoi sp. nov. from Laos. A lectotype is designated for N. tibialis Ritsema. Protibiae, genitalia, aedeagal internal sacs, eighth abdominal tergites, and fifth abdominal ventrites are illustrated for all species.Read More