Title: Théories de la genèse ou histoire des créoles : l'exemple du développement des créoles de la Caraïbe
Abstract:<titre/>Various assumptions exist as regards the genesis of Creole languages and cause impassioned debates between creolists. Confrontation with the linguistic data as they can be discovered in the ol...<titre/>Various assumptions exist as regards the genesis of Creole languages and cause impassioned debates between creolists. Confrontation with the linguistic data as they can be discovered in the old texts suggests a careful reflection before defining these languages, born – as frequently said – during European colonisations, under the particular historical and sociological conditions of the slavery. Can this term of Creole be extended to other languages, in particular from the typological point of view ? The author examines here the stages constitutive of the French Creoles in the Caribbean Islands, specially as regards the determinant.Read More