Title: Observations of low mass companions to massive stars
Abstract:Massive stars are known to be multiple systems, often in tight, short-period OB stars binaries (SB1 and SB2, found by spectroscopic monitoring). However, little is known about low-mass companions to m...Massive stars are known to be multiple systems, often in tight, short-period OB stars binaries (SB1 and SB2, found by spectroscopic monitoring). However, little is known about low-mass companions to massive stars, such as A, F, and G stars with masses in the range of 1 to 3 solar masses. Yet systems of massive stars with wide low-mass companions (of the order of a few AU) must exist, for these are the progenitors of LMXB and HMXB (low-mass and high-mass X-ray binaries).Read More