Title: Advocacy coalitions, REDD+, and forest governance in Papua New Guinea: how likely is transformational change?
Abstract:Babon, A., D. McIntyre, G. Y. Gowae, C. Gallemore, R. Carmenta, M. Di Gregorio, and M. Brockhaus. 2014. Advocacy coalitions, REDD+, and forest governance in Papua New Guinea: how likely is transformat...Babon, A., D. McIntyre, G. Y. Gowae, C. Gallemore, R. Carmenta, M. Di Gregorio, and M. Brockhaus. 2014. Advocacy coalitions, REDD+, and forest governance in Papua New Guinea: how likely is transformational change? Ecology and Society 19(3): 16. https://doi.org/10.5751/ES-06486-190316Read More