Title: A robotic system for 3D model acquisition from multiple range images
Abstract:This paper describes a robotic system that builds a 3D CAD model of an object incrementally from multiple range images. It motivates the generation of a solid model at each stage of the modeling proce...This paper describes a robotic system that builds a 3D CAD model of an object incrementally from multiple range images. It motivates the generation of a solid model at each stage of the modeling process, allowing the use of well-defined geometric algorithms to perform the merging and integration task. The data from each imaging operation is represented by a mesh, which is then extruded in the viewing direction to form a solid model. These solids are merged as they are acquired into a composite model of the object. We describe an algorithm that builds a solid model from a mesh surface and present experimental results of reconstructing a complex object. In addition, we discuss an approach to completely automating the model acquisition process by integration with previous sensor-planning results.Read More