Title: 32P-Retention of DNA Irradiated in a Reactor The Enhancement of the Retention with Increasing Irradiation Time
Abstract:32P-retention in the DNA irradiated under the various conditions was examined. The retention was enhanced with increasing irradiation time when DNA containing appropriate amount of H2O was irradiated ...32P-retention in the DNA irradiated under the various conditions was examined. The retention was enhanced with increasing irradiation time when DNA containing appropriate amount of H2O was irradiated at -78°C. The enhancement was based on the reactor irradiation, that is, some kind of radiations (γ-rays, fast neutrons etc.) seem to concern to this enhancement. The second irradiation immediately after the first irradiation had an effect to increase 32P-retention, but after prolonged interval, it failed to increase the retention. From these results, possible mechanisms of the phenomenon were discussed.Read More