Title: Enhancing Security of Improved RC4 Stream Cipher by Converting into Product Cipher
Abstract:RC4 is one of the most widely used stream ciphers which finds its application in many security protocols such as Wi-Fi Protocol Access (WPA) and Wired Equivalence Privacy (WEP).RC4 algorithm has sever...RC4 is one of the most widely used stream ciphers which finds its application in many security protocols such as Wi-Fi Protocol Access (WPA) and Wired Equivalence Privacy (WEP).RC4 algorithm has several weaknesses.In order to overcome those weaknesses and enhance its security, numerous modifications have been suggested.These amendments destroy the basis of various cryptanalysis attacks on RC4.One such significant modification was the algorithm proposed by Jian Xie et al [1].In this paper, we propose an enhancement to this algorithm by converting it into a product cipher and thereby enhancing its security.Read More