Title: Seismic source mechanisms for quarry blasts: modelling observed Rayleigh and Love wave radiation patterns from a Texas quarry
Abstract:A theoretical understanding of the mechanisms by which quarry blasts excite seismic waves is useful in understanding how quarry blast discriminants may be transported from one region to another. An ex...A theoretical understanding of the mechanisms by which quarry blasts excite seismic waves is useful in understanding how quarry blast discriminants may be transported from one region to another. An experiment in Texas with well-placed seismic stations and a cooperative blasting engineer has shed light on some of the physical mechanisms of seismic excitation at short periods (0.1–3 Hz). Azimuthal radiation patterns of the 0.2–3 Hz Rayleigh and Love waves are diagnostic of two proposed mechanisms for non-isotropic radiation from quarry blasts. Observations show that the Love and Rayleigh wave radiation patterns depend upon the orientation of the quarry benches. Two possible mechanisms for non-isotropic radiation are (1) the lateral throw of spalled material and (2) the presence of the topographic bench in the quarry.Read More