Title: Jurandir Ferreira: o escritor escondido - biografia, seleção de textos e catálogo bibliográfico.
Abstract:Bibliographical catalog), aims to rescue the writer's personality of Jurandir Ferreira , bring him in to the cultural scenery context of Poços of Caldas, city he was born and lived most part of his li...Bibliographical catalog), aims to rescue the writer's personality of Jurandir Ferreira , bring him in to the cultural scenery context of Poços of Caldas, city he was born and lived most part of his life.This work was based in the field research developed between 1998 and 2005 (during the Scientific Initiation and part of the period of the Master's degree), an it was composed basically of three stages: 1.Studies of the writer's collection; 2. Organization of texts of and about him dispersed in periodical publication; and 3. Interviews with writers, friends and the author's family.The literature in the Watering Place of Poços delayed to cross the insipient manifestations of newspaper, due, mostly, the culture of entertainment that the casinos installed in the city.His first novel only appeared in 1948, with the edition of O céu entre montanhas, of Jurandir Ferreira.The author -included among the eighteen better short story of Brazil, edited by Bloch in 1968 -published so far collections of stories, chronicles and poetries, besides a second novel and of the fiction Um ladrão de guarda-chuvas, in which he was awarded the Guimarães Rosa prize in 1994.From the collection of his work -elevenRead More