Title: Os limites da liberdade: a atuação do Supremo Tribunal Federal no julgamento de crimes políticos durante o regime militar de 1964 (1964-1979)
Abstract:During the military regimen of 1964, the Supremo Tribunal Federal did not act in way uniform.Internal and external factors intervened with the decisions of the court.Resultant external factors of the ...During the military regimen of 1964, the Supremo Tribunal Federal did not act in way uniform.Internal and external factors intervened with the decisions of the court.Resultant external factors of the confrontation between the military and the movements of opposition, and internal factors of the STF.The oscillations of this dynamics resulted at moments of independence of the STF and expansion and retraction of the civil rights.In the work I analyzed the sentences of the politic crimes by Supremo Tribunal Federal (STF) during the military regime of 1964.137 habeas-corpus (HC) petitioned in the STF, in the period of April 1964, after the military coup, until the Institucional Act nº 5 (AI-5) and 292 Recursos Ordinarios Criminais (RCR) petitioned in the STF in the period of 1964, after the military coup, the 1979, before the amnesty.With the analysis of the sentences we can perceive the tensions, the ruptures and the politic conduct of the STF.Read More