Title: Los principios éticos y los enfoques asociados a la investigación de la gobernanza en los sistemas de salud: implicaciones conceptuales y metodológicas
Abstract:Governance refers to decision-making processes in which power relationships and actors and institutions' particular interests converge. Situations of consensus and conflict are inherent to such proces...Governance refers to decision-making processes in which power relationships and actors and institutions' particular interests converge. Situations of consensus and conflict are inherent to such processes. Furthermore, decision-making happens within a framework of ethical principles, motivations and incentives which could be explicit or implicit. Health systems in most Latin-American and Caribbean countries take the principles of equity, solidarity, social participation and the right to health as their guiding principles; such principles must thus rule governance processes. However, this is not always the case and this is where the importance of investigating governance in health systems lies. Making advances in investigating governance involves conceptual and methodological implications. Clarifying and integrating normative and analytical approaches is relevant at conceptual level as both are necessary for an approach seeking to investigate and understand social phenomena's complexity. In relation to methodological level, there is a need to expand the range of variables, sources of information and indicators for studying decision-making aimed to greater equity, health citizenship and public policy efficiency.Read More