Title: Petrochemistry and Geotectonic Setting of Granitic Rocks in Aderan Area, S.W. Nigeria
Abstract:Aderan area, southwestern Nigeria is underlain by metaigneous and metasedimentary rocks which have been intruded by granitic rocks of probable Pan-African (ca. 600 Ma) age. Four types of granitic rock...Aderan area, southwestern Nigeria is underlain by metaigneous and metasedimentary rocks which have been intruded by granitic rocks of probable Pan-African (ca. 600 Ma) age. Four types of granitic rocks have been identified in the area, including granitic gneisses, medium-grained granite, porphyritic granite and granodiorite. Geochemical analysis show that the rocks are largely calc-alkaline. The granodiorite is less siliceous and more calcic, and also contains less Ba, Nb and Rb, and more Sr, Ce and La than the granites. Tectonically, the rocks classify as volcanic arc and syn-collisional and possibly late-to- post-collisional granitic rocks with respect to the Pan-African orogeny. Chemical characteristics indicate that these rocks were derived from partial melting of mafic to semi-pelitic (metasedimentary) crustal rocks under conditions of intermediate oxygen fugacity and activities of H2O.Read More