Title: Two-Dimensional Video Disdrometer: A Description
Abstract:This paper describes the design and operation of a two-dimensional video disdrometer (2DVD) for in situ measurements of precipitation drop size distribution. The instrument records orthogonal image pr...This paper describes the design and operation of a two-dimensional video disdrometer (2DVD) for in situ measurements of precipitation drop size distribution. The instrument records orthogonal image projections of raindrops as they cross its sensing area, and can provide a wealth of information, including velocity and shape, of individual raindrops. The 2DVD is a sensitive optical instrument that is exposed to rain, high humidity, and possibly high temperatures. These and other issues such as calibration procedures impact its performance. Under low-wind conditions, the instrument can provide accurate and detailed information on drop size, terminal velocity, and drop shape in a field setting, and the instrument's advantages far outweigh its disadvantages.Read More