Title: Waging a war to save biodiversity: the rise of militarized conservation
Abstract:Journal Article Waging a war to save biodiversity: the rise of militarized conservation ROSALEEN DUFFY ROSALEEN DUFFY 1Professor of Political Ecology of Development at the School of Oriental and Afric...Journal Article Waging a war to save biodiversity: the rise of militarized conservation ROSALEEN DUFFY ROSALEEN DUFFY 1Professor of Political Ecology of Development at the School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London Search for other works by this author on: Oxford Academic Google Scholar *I would like to thank Professor Dan Brockington (University of Manchester), Dr Bram Büscher (Institute of Social Studies, The Hague), Dr Andy Newsham (School of Oriental and African Studies, London), Jasper Humphreys (King's College London) and an anonymous reviewer for their very helpful comments on previous drafts. Author Notes International Affairs, Volume 90, Issue 4, July 2014, Pages 819–834, https://doi.org/10.1111/1468-2346.12142 Published: 02 July 2014Read More