Title: Rhizobial inoculation of Siberian pea-shrub (<i>Caragana arborescens</i>Lamb.) for semi-arid revegetation
Abstract:Abstract Successful inoculation of Caragana arborescens has been achieved using an inoculum derived from nodules of a North American (Wisconsin) ecotype of C. arborescens. Pea-shrub is being investiga...Abstract Successful inoculation of Caragana arborescens has been achieved using an inoculum derived from nodules of a North American (Wisconsin) ecotype of C. arborescens. Pea-shrub is being investigated for revegetation use in the semi-arid areas of Central Otago, New Zealand. Keywords: Rhizobiainoculation Caragana arborescens Siberian pea-shrubrevegetationLeguminosaeRead More