Title: Response of chrysopids (Neuroptera) to larval tracks of aphidophagous coccinellids (Coleoptera)
Abstract:Choice tests showed that tracks left by coccinellid larvae have generally little effect on oviposition site selection by chrysopid females.Fresh tracks of first instar larvae of the coccinellid specie...Choice tests showed that tracks left by coccinellid larvae have generally little effect on oviposition site selection by chrysopid females.Fresh tracks of first instar larvae of the coccinellid species Coccinella septempunctata, Cycloneda limbifer, Leis dimidiata and Semiadalia undecimnotata, did not deter females of the chrysopid Chrysopa oculata from laying eggs.Females of Chrysopaperla avoided ovipositing only on substrates with tracks of L. dimidiata larvae.Read More