Title: Three New Brazilian Species in the Genus Marcetia (Melastomataceae, Melastomeae)
Abstract:Three new species of Marcetia are de¬ scribed and illustrated.Marcetia semiriana occurs only in Serra do Cipo, Minas Gerais.Marcetia shepherdii, collected in Marau, at sea level, and M. lychnophoroide...Three new species of Marcetia are de¬ scribed and illustrated.Marcetia semiriana occurs only in Serra do Cipo, Minas Gerais.Marcetia shepherdii, collected in Marau, at sea level, and M. lychnophoroides, from Chapada Diamantina, are both endemic to Bahia.The new species Marcetia shepherdii and M. lychnophoroides , together with M. luetzelburgii Markgraf, constitute a group of closely related species.They share in common subcoriaceous, fleshy, imbricate to subimbricate, revolute leaves.Marcetia shepherdii is distinguished by its rigid, erect branchlets, yellowish green leaves that are glabrous on the adaxial surface, unappendaged and broadly dilated connectives, linear-oblong the¬ cae with a ventrally inclined pore, and a unique 2locular ovary.Marcetia lychnophoroides has velutinous to sublanate branchlets, cinereous-green leaves that are densely puberulous-sericeous on the abaxial surface, unprolonged and inconspicuously bilobulate connectives, and a 3-or 4-loeular ovary.Marcetia semiriana is very similar to M. taxifolia (A.Saint-Hilaire) DC., differing in the prostrate branches, long pedunculate flowers, and straight anthers.Read More