Title: Floristic diversity of Theog Forest Division, Himachal Pradesh, Western Himalaya
Abstract:We provide a check list of the vascular plants of Theog Forest Division, Himachal Pradesh, Western Himalaya. Himachal Pradesh has been extensively surveyed in terms of flora by a large number of worke...We provide a check list of the vascular plants of Theog Forest Division, Himachal Pradesh, Western Himalaya. Himachal Pradesh has been extensively surveyed in terms of flora by a large number of workers, albeit highly confined to prioritized areas. The floristic inventorization resulted in a total of 442 vascular plant species belonging to 311 genera and 117 families from an area of 512 km2. Out of these, 408 species belonged to Angiosperms, 7 to Gymnosperms and 27 to Pteridophytes. The predominant families among Dicotyledons were Asteraceae, Rosaceae and Lamiaceae. Among the Monocotyledons, the most represented family was Poaceae, followed by Liliaceae and Cyperaceae. Pinaceae and Pteridaceae were found to be the most represented families among the Gymnosperms and Pteridophytes, respectively. Species richness was highest in shrubberies, which formed an ideal habitat for many herbaceous species within different habitat types. Strategic eradication of weed species, especially obnoxious species such as Lantana camara and Parthenium hysterophorus is required for effective management in the area.Read More