Title: Understanding Life Process by Chemistry - A Tribute to the Contributions of Professor Yuichi Kanaoka in Heterocyclic Chemistry and Bioorganic Chemistry -
Abstract:It is our great pleasure and honor to introduce the accomplishments of Professor Kanaoka's research in this special issue of Heterocycles on the occasion of his 75th birthday.Professor Kanaoka made an...It is our great pleasure and honor to introduce the accomplishments of Professor Kanaoka's research in this special issue of Heterocycles on the occasion of his 75th birthday.Professor Kanaoka made an enormous contribution as a Japanese pioneer not only in nitrogen-heterocyclic chemistry, but also in the wide field of bioorganic chemistry, the interface between chemistry and biology.His achievements that were generated by his far-sighted discernment for the future of science will be remembered long into the 21st century.In the following, the contributions of Professor Kanaoka are briefly summarized.Read More