Title: Language of Advertising: A Study of Nigeria’s Nation Newspaper and Newswatch Magazine
Abstract:This paper focuses on a critical analysis of the language of advertisement in selected newspapers and magazines;from the aspect of graphology and lexis of The Nation Newspaper and Newswatch Magazine r...This paper focuses on a critical analysis of the language of advertisement in selected newspapers and magazines;from the aspect of graphology and lexis of The Nation Newspaper and Newswatch Magazine respectively. Thiswork is based on the framework of stylistics. Through this study, it is discovered that the language ofadvertisement is persuasive, informative and it serves as a reminder to the consumer to patronize the products.The study also reveals that both linguistic and non linguistic features are usually employed to drive and compelconsumers to purchase goods whether good or bad. The linguistic forms include the manner and style ofcomposition of texts, lexical choices, use of figurative expression, use of simple diction, use of proper names andemotive expressions etc. The non linguistic forms are the graphitic and graphological features which are put intosignificant use to rouse the emotions and further catch the attention of the readers/customers; examples includethe special use of punctuations, colours, pictorial images and figures. These features help to extensively createeffect of the message conveyed in the eyes and minds of the reader. The language features in advertising in theNation Newspaper and Newswatch magazines qualifies for a unique variety of the English language.Read More