Title: The Use of Force against Terrorists: A Reply to Christian J. Tams
Abstract:The Use of Force against Terrorists'. 1 Tams's study deals with the application of the jus ad bellum to the problem of terrorism and, in particular, the issue of extraterritorial or cross-border use o...The Use of Force against Terrorists'. 1 Tams's study deals with the application of the jus ad bellum to the problem of terrorism and, in particular, the issue of extraterritorial or cross-border use of force against terrorists.Thus, it refers to inter-state relations.The author examined the developments which have occurred in the last 20 years and concluded that there is today an overall tendency to view exceptions to the ban on force more favourably than 20 years ago.If the international community is capable of maintaining a strong stance against terrorism, he wrote, then there is no reason to expect that the jus ad bellum should be immune from (further) change. 2 This reply takes a less juridical and more political perspective.The basic idea is that the community of states, and consequently states' jus ad bellum, or the right †Read More