Title: Chemical Composition, Fibre Fraction and Anti-Nutritional Substances of Semi-arid Browse Forages of North-Eastern Nigeria
Abstract:The nutritive value of leaves from eight different browse trees and shrubs were analyzed. They include Ficus polita, Ficus thonningii, Batryospermum paradoxum, Kigalia africana, Celtis integuifolis, K...The nutritive value of leaves from eight different browse trees and shrubs were analyzed. They include Ficus polita, Ficus thonningii, Batryospermum paradoxum, Kigalia africana, Celtis integuifolis, Khaya senegalensis, Leptadenia lancifolia, and Ziziphus abyssinica. were collected from Gwoza, in Borno, State, Nigeria. The browse samples were analyzed for chemical composition, fibre fractions and anti-nutritive components of their leaves. Results showed no significant differences (P>0.05) in the DM content, which ranged from 95.2 to 97.0%. Leptadenia lancifolia, Ficus thonningi and Ficus polita recorded higher CP content which was significantly higher (PRead More