Title: Chinese IT terminology management in Hong Kong
Abstract:Abstract This article discusses IT terms and terminology management in Hong Kong from the perspective of Language Management Theory (Jernudd and Neustupný 1987, 1991; Jernudd and Nekvapil 2012; Nekvap...Abstract This article discusses IT terms and terminology management in Hong Kong from the perspective of Language Management Theory (Jernudd and Neustupný 1987, 1991; Jernudd and Nekvapil 2012; Nekvapil 2012). The noting, evaluating, adjusting and implementing of IT terms are examined in the context of lexical innovation (through translation) in the contact situation that Hong Kong represents. It describes the management of Chinese IT terms by agencies in Hong Kong and also discusses the efficacy of standardization of terminology as an agency goal in view of the potential of noting inadequacies of terminology in actual discourse.Read More