Title: Albite-chlorite and talc-chlorite deposits in metasedimantary and granitoid rocks of central Sardinia (Italy)
Abstract:The albite and talc-chlorite deposits occurring in central-eastern Sardinia are associated with metasedimentary rocks with intrusions of Hercynian granitoids which contain abundant roof pendants of Pa...The albite and talc-chlorite deposits occurring in central-eastern Sardinia are associated with metasedimentary rocks with intrusions of Hercynian granitoids which contain abundant roof pendants of Palaeozoic metasedimentary rocks. The talc-chlorite bodies are hosted by the roof pendants of mica schists and variably recrystallised metalimestones and metadolostones, whereas deposits of albite generally occur in the granitoids, and to a lesser extent, in the roof pendants represented by mica schists. The talc- and Mg-chlorite deposits are considered to have been formed during the metamorphic event coeval with the emplacement of the granitoid rocks, whereas the albitic bodies were formed during later, post-magmatic, metasomatic processes.Read More