Title: Discussion: “Rubber Surface Squeeze Film” (Hori, Yukio, Kato, Takahisa, and Narumiya, Hiromu, 1981, ASME J. Lubr. Technol., 103, pp. 398–403)
Abstract:The authors have presented excellent experimental data in support of a viable mathematical model relevant to a given frequency range.The results and methods should be useful in regard to various types...The authors have presented excellent experimental data in support of a viable mathematical model relevant to a given frequency range.The results and methods should be useful in regard to various types of rubber-lined bearings.An analogy may be drawn between oil squeeze-films in rubber-lined bearings and air squeeze-films between rigid surfaces.In both cases, viscous forces become high enough at high velocities of oscillations and small clearances to arrest lateral flow, except near the boundaries.The air behaves as if it were compressed (expanded) in a closed piston, and the rubber displaces as if pressed by a flat and frictionless surface.The pressure remains sensibly uniform in both cases and the rubber surface displaces nearly parallel to the rigid plate.In both instances also, a positive time-average pressure is developed.For air this is due to the nonlinear relation between pressure and clearance (Ph = constant, or Ph 12 = constant), but the mechanism is not as obvious with rubber in the absence of cavitation.The authors may wish to provide a physical explanation in terms of their columnar model for the case of small h 0 and large 2itfh a .Read More