Title: Short bunch research at Brookhaven National Laboratory
Abstract:Research into the production and utilization of short electron bunches at Brookhaven National Laboratory is underway at the Source Development Laboratory (SDL) and Accelerator Test Facility (ATF). Pro...Research into the production and utilization of short electron bunches at Brookhaven National Laboratory is underway at the Source Development Laboratory (SDL) and Accelerator Test Facility (ATF). Projects planned for the SDL facility include a 210 MeV electron linac with a dipole chicane that is designed to produce 100 μm long bunches and a compact electron storage ring that will use superconducting RF to produce sub‐millimeter bunches. The ATF has a 30–70 MeV linac that will serve as the injector for laser accelerators that will bunch the beam into to micron‐length bunches. Coherent transition and synchrotron radiation from the short bunches will be used for beam diagnostics and infrared experiments.Read More