Title: Tropical Rain Forests and the Annual Rainfall in South Cameroon, West Africa
Abstract:In the tropical rain forest of South Cameroon, West Africa, the annual rainfall drastically decreases in a narrow area at c. 70km from the coast. To clarify the relationship between the annual rainfal...In the tropical rain forest of South Cameroon, West Africa, the annual rainfall drastically decreases in a narrow area at c. 70km from the coast. To clarify the relationship between the annual rainfall and forest vegetation, I conducted this ecological study of the vegetation. As the result, it became clear that the tropical evergreen forest is distributed in the area of more than 2000mm of the rainfall, the transitional forest (1) in 2000-1700mm, the transitional forest (2) in 1700-1600mm and the semi-deciduous forest in less than 1600mm. And also it was proved that there are close relationships between the vegetation and topography as well as between the vegetation and soils. On the basis of the results obtained, furthermore, I estimated the distribution of the tropical rain forest during the Würm glacial maximum in South Cameroon.Read More