Title: Research on Joint of Simulation and Sea Test for Sonar Operational Range
Abstract:Sonar operational range is an important tactics and technique parameter for sonar system.It is a variable number because of many factors affecting in the actual using, so it brings more complex in the...Sonar operational range is an important tactics and technique parameter for sonar system.It is a variable number because of many factors affecting in the actual using, so it brings more complex in the test.Being analyzing the influencing factors for sonar operational range, this paper summarizes the traditional test.Joint of simulation and sea test for sonar operational range is discussed on the base of analyzing the localization of traditional method and the demand of sonar developing and using. Factors analyzing of affecting sonar operational rangeSonar operational range is an important tactics and technique parameter for sonar system.As the sonar's working environment is a complicated underwater acoustic environment, the actual sonar operational range is a synthetical index which depends on the performance of sonar system, environment of the underwater acoustic propagation and target characteristics.Sonar equation is a useful tool in designing the sonar system.It is usually used to analyze and attest the performance of sonar system.It forms an organic structure of hydrophone, underwater sound channel, noise, reverberation, detection and signal designing.Active and passive sonar equation is as follows, Active sonar equation (Reverberation Limited),Read More