Title: Staging Liver Fibrosis in Hepatitis C: A Challenge for This Decade
Abstract:The limitations of and the invasive nature of liver biopsy has spurred extensive interest in the development of non-invasive tests to measure liver fibrosis in patients with chronic hepatitis C. Clini...The limitations of and the invasive nature of liver biopsy has spurred extensive interest in the development of non-invasive tests to measure liver fibrosis in patients with chronic hepatitis C. Clinically applicable non-invasive tests, including radiological studies, elastography, and serum markers, all of which perform extremely well in excluding significant disease and diagnosing cirrhosis. FibroScan and acoustic radiation force impulse elastography are two elastography-based tests that show promise. In this new era of increased cure rates with newly Food and Drug Administration-approved drugs and the availability of multiple non-invasive tests of liver fibrosis, we anticipate a decreasing need for liver biopsies in the management of chronic hepatitis C.Read More