Title: Tolkku - a toolbox for decision support from condition monitoring data
Abstract:This paper describes a software toolbox (a software library) designed for condition monitoring and diagnosis of machines. This toolbox implements both new methods and prior art and is aimed for practi...This paper describes a software toolbox (a software library) designed for condition monitoring and diagnosis of machines. This toolbox implements both new methods and prior art and is aimed for practical down-to-earth data analysis work. The target is to improve knowledge of the operation and behaviour of machines and processes throughout their entire life-cycles. The toolbox supports different phases of condition based maintenance with tools that extract essential information and automate data processing. The paper discusses principles that have guided toolbox design and the implemented toolbox structure. Case examples are used to illustrate how condition monitoring applications can be built using the toolbox. In the first case study the toolbox is applied to fault detection of industrial centrifuges based on measured electrical current. The second case study outlines an application for centralized monitoring of a fleet of machines that supports organizational learning.Read More