Title: Particle optics of quadrupole doublet magnets in Spallation Neutron Source accumulator ring
Abstract:The Spallation Neutron Source ring employs doublet quadrupoles and dipole correctors in its straight sections. The electromagnetic quadrupoles have a large aperture, small aspect ratio, and relatively...The Spallation Neutron Source ring employs doublet quadrupoles and dipole correctors in its straight sections. The electromagnetic quadrupoles have a large aperture, small aspect ratio, and relatively short iron-to-iron distance. The corrector is even closer to one of the quads. There have been concerns on the magnetic fringe field and interference in the doublet magnets and their assemblies. We have performed 3D computing simulations to study magnetic field distributions in the doublet magnets. Further, we have analyzed the particle optics based on the $z$-dependent focusing functions of the quads. The effect of the magnetic fringe field and interference, including the third-order aberrations, on the particle motion are investigated. The lens parameters and the first-order hard edge models are derived and compared with the parameters used in the ring lattice calculations.Read More